Benefits of Membership


Membership is for you if:

  • You completed any CPCA training program in the past - either provided by the CPCA, USPCA or Culinary Business Academy.
  • You have the equivalent to the above from another training organization (must be approved by CPCA) 
  • You are an experienced working Personal or Private Chef
  • You are in the process of becoming a Personal Chef
  • You must have a current Food Handler's certificate
  • You must agree to abide by the CPCA Code of Ethics

What you pay: 

A $50 setup fee covers the administrative costs of reviewing and approving your membership application. This fee applies to new members only and is waived for any returning or renewing CPCA member.

The current annual membership fee is $30 per year from September 1 to August 31.  During the year we prorate the fee to August 31st of that year.

What you get: 

  • Access to the CPCA Facebook Group where you will connect with your colleagues across Canada and guest members from the United States.  Swap valuable information, recipes and tips.  Get support for your business and answers to your questions!
  • COMING SOON: Access to CPCA member insurance.  Information will be posted shortly.
  • Use of the CPCA Member logo As a member you may use this in your marketing materials.  You are free to use the CPCA as a reference for clients or media doing background checks.
  • Pre-Approval for Yummi.  The training and professionalism you represent as a CPCA member gives you the prerequisites needed to join the Yummi website as a food provider.  CPCA members are fast-tracked through the approval process and into a supplementary source of revenue.  See the link on the left for more information about Yummi.

What you need to do:

  1. Read through and accept our Code of Ethics.
  2. Submit registration form and payment to CPCA - via cheque or PayPal (go to the Register Now link on the left)
  3. Once you are approved as a member you will have access to purchase whatever additional benefits you need for your business

Contact Us if you have questions about CPCA membership!

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