Module 1 - Creating Your Business Plan


  • "How to Start a Home-Based Personal Chef Service" by Denise Vivaldo
  • Draft Business Plan for your business

This module breaks down the elements of a business plan that you've learned about in the textbook and applies them to your draft business plans.  

Together we will walk you step by step through goal-setting, creating a scope and a budget for your business, and a timeline that gives you a to-do list for a successful launch.

Most students leave this module with a revision of their previous draft business plans.

Upcoming classes:

Sunday, Feb 1, 5:00 - 9:00 pm

Sunday, March 1, 5:00 - 9:00pm

Module 3 - A Day in the Life of a Personal Chef


  • "How to Start a Home-Based Personal Chef Service" by Denise Vivaldo

Your day as a Personal Chef will be impacted primarily by the menu you create for your client.  

The focus of this module therefore will be the various factors that your menu will impact: time, profit and client satisfaction.  We'll show you why a CPCA-trained Personal Chef has an edge.  It all comes down to the menu!  

This module also covers the most common workflow issues you need to manage and provides you with tips and techniques based on what we know works and doesn't work.  

When you purchase this module you will receive a set of recipes that have been proven suitable for storage, including the freezer.

These will help you get up and running in your business without the time and cost of creating and testing your own recipes.

Upcoming classes

Sunday, Feb 8, 5:00 to 9:00 pm

Sunday, March 8, 5:00 to 9:00 pm

Module 2 - Creating Your Marketing Plan


  • "How to Start a Home-Based Personal Chef Service" by Denise Vivaldo

AND, either one of the following:

  • A Working Business Plan, including a scope, budget and cash flow.
  • Module 1 - Creating Your Business Plan

A Marketing Plan is a subset of your business plan and is designed to support the financial goals that you've set for your business.  

In this module we discuss marketing principles and how they apply to your business.  We help you develop a list of strategies that are low-cost and effective for personal marketing.  You will leave with a clear idea of who you want as clients and how to reach them

Upcoming classes:

Monday, Feb 2, 6:30 - 10:00 pm

Monday, March 2, 6:30 - 10:00 pm

Module 4 - Putting it all Together:  "Show Me the Money!"


  • Modules 1 and 2 or equivalent (contact CPCA to discuss equivalency)

No matter how well you draft, plan, refine or detail your plans on paper, there remains the single biggest step for any new business owner...getting your first client.

In this module we discuss selling, ABC (Always Be Closing) techniques, how to best use your website and the power of social media.  We give you the information you need to know how to price your service and create profitability.  

Finally we put it all together with a plan that shows you exactly how to get the money you want from the business you are about to launch.  

At the end of the day, we want you to make money, so that you can keep doing what you love!

Upcoming classes

Monday, Feb 9, 6:30 to 10:00 pm

Monday, March 9, 6:30 to 10:00 pm

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